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原创佛山霍利斯新老师介绍系列最终篇,整装待发迎接新学年!More New Teachers Join LEHF!

2023-08-14 11:55:27 来源:互联网

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Mr Craig Johnson


Johnson 先生将加入佛山霍利斯,担任人文学科主任。他拥有近 25 年的教学经验,曾在亚洲和中东地区的国际学校有丰富的任教经历。在他的教育职业生涯中,他曾担任领导职位,带领地理、历史和全球视野等学科的教师团队开展教学工作,确保学生在不同学段的学习中取得成功。Johnson 先生也能够成功营造具有责任感和相互尊重的动态学习环境,帮助学生们提升学习效果。在加入佛山霍利斯之前,他曾在中国一所著名的英国学校担任人文学科主任,领导学科专家和学科支持教师,注重提升团队合作、支持和专业发展。Johnson 先生拥有布莱顿大学体育教育学士学位,并获得体育和地理教师资格。

Mr Gareth Nelson


Nelson 先生拥有10年教学经验和超过8年商业实践经验,他将加入佛山霍利斯,担任商科与经济学科的学习顾问。他的履历非常丰富,曾在英国、南非、韩国、中国、秘鲁和阿联酋等国的学校担任商业研究教师、学科主任和人文学科主任职位。此外,他还曾在英国阿登大学担任供应链管理讲师。Nelson先生的教学专长包括 IGCSE 和 A Level 商业研究、经济学、历史和心理学。他持有伍尔弗汉普顿大学军事历史硕士学位和阿尔斯特大学商业分析与咨询的教育学研究生证书。

Mrs Jenny Nelson


Nelson 女士将加入佛山霍利斯,担任学习支持主任一职。她拥有超过15年的丰富教育经验,曾在英国、南非、韩国、中国、秘鲁和阿联酋工作。她精通母语和非母语英语教学,教学范围涵盖从一年级到 A Level 甚至大学阶段的英语教学。她在南非任教时,曾荣获南非政府颁发的约翰内斯堡 12 年级最佳英语教师奖。Nelson 女士拥有诺丁汉大学文学语言学硕士学位和阿尔斯特大学语言和语言学学士学位(一级荣誉)。此外,她还以优异的成绩获得了伦敦教师培训学院颁发的对外英语教学证书。

Ms Sophie Smith


Smith 女士是一位充满热情的教育工作者,她将加入佛山霍利斯,担任女子体育学科主任。她曾在英国当地学校和俄罗斯的一所国际学校工作过,她的教学经历将为我校带来多元化的视角。在她五年的教学生涯中,Smith 女士曾教授关键阶段二、三、四和五阶段的体育课程。近年来,她成功地为不同班级的学生教授了IGCSE和A Level体育知识,其中包括英语非母语学生和资优学生。她对教学的热情和激情能够为学生创造积极的学习体验,让所有学生都能享受学习和参加体育运动。Smith 女士拥有埃奇希尔大学的体育与学校运动(荣誉)学士学位,以及利物浦约翰摩尔斯大学的 教育学研究生证书与教师资格证书.



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At LEH International School Foshan, as we eagerly anticipate the start of a new academic year, we are thrilled to present the final instalment of our new teacher introduction series. We take immense pride in welcoming a diverse group of exceptional educators and specialists to our school community, each of whom brings a wealth of experience, passion, and dedication to their respective fields.

In August, all our new teachers will arrive in China and participate in the induction programme alongside our existing faculty members, collaboratively preparing for the exciting prospects of the upcoming school year. This collective effort ensures that they are fully equipped to provide an enriching learning experience for all our students.

Without further ado, allow us to introduce these new teachers.

Mr Craig Johnson

Head of Humanities

Mr Johnson will join LEH Foshan as Head of Humanities, bringing nearly 25 years of teaching experience and a wealth of international school experience from the Middle East and Asia. Throughout his career in education, he has led a team of teachers in Geography, History, and Global Perspectives and ensured successful student outcomes at various levels. As a learning facilitator, Mr Johnson successfully fosters a dynamic environment based on high expectations, responsibility, and mutual respect. Before joining LEH Foshan, he was the Head of Humanities at a renowned British school in China, leading subject specialists and non-specialists alike with an emphasis on teamwork, support, and professional development. Mr Johnson holds a Bachelor"s degree in Physical Education with Qualified Teacher Status in Physical Education and Geography from the University of Brighton.

Mr Gareth Nelson

Learning Consultant of Business & Economics

Mr Nelson, an experienced educator with 10 years of teaching and over 8 years in the industry, will be joining LEH Foshan asLearning Consultant of Business & Economics. His diverse background includes working as a Business Studies Teacher, Subject Head, and Head of Humanities in schools across the UK, South Africa, South Korea, China, Peru, and UAE. Additionally, he served as a Lecturer in Supply Chain Management at Arden University in the UK. Mr Nelson"s teaching expertise extends to IGCSE and A Level Business Studies, Economics, History, and Psychology. His academic qualifications include a Master’s Degree in Military History from Wolverhampton University and a PGCE in Business Analysis and Consulting from Ulster University.

Mrs Jenny Nelson

Head of Learning Support

Mrs Nelson will join LEH Foshan as the new Head of Learning Support, bringing over 15 years of diverse education experience from the UK, South Africa, South Korea, China, Peru, and UAE. Proficient in teaching English to native and non-native speakers, she covers levels from Year 1 to A Level and even university. Her dedication to teaching excellence was recognised with the Top Teacher in English award for Grade 12 from the South African Government in Johannesburg when she was teaching in South Africa. Mrs Nelson holds a Master’s Degree in Literary Linguistics from Nottingham University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Language and Linguistics (First-Class Honours) from the University of Ulster. Additionally, she earned a Certificate in TEFL with Distinction from London Teacher Training College.

Ms Sophie Smith

Head of Girls’ PE

Ms Smith, an enthusiastic and passionate educator, will join LEH Foshan as the Head of Girls" PE. With experience in local UK schools and an international school in Russia, she will bring a diverse perspective to our school. Over five years of teaching, Ms Smith conducted Physical Education lessons for Key Stages 2, 3, 4, and 5. In recent years, she successfully taught IGCSE and A Level Physical Education to a varied class, including EAL and Gifted and Talented students. Her enthusiasm, passion, and reliability create positive learning experiences where all students can strive for success. Ms Smith holds a PGCE with QTS from Liverpool John Moores University and a BA (Hons) degree in Physical Education & School Sport from Edge Hill University.

With great enthusiasm, we welcome these talented educators to LEH International School Foshan. Their arrival underscores our commitment to providing exceptional education, enriching the academic and holistic development of our students.

The journey of education is an exciting and transformative one, and we are delighted to embark on this new chapter alongside our new and existing experienced teachers and specialists. Together, we will continue to shape the young minds of the future, nurturing curiosity, compassion, and resilience in our students, as we prepare them to face the opportunities and challenges of an ever-changing world.


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